International Cancer Institute

Cancer Care, Research, & Training

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Clinical Trials at International Cancer Institute

Cancer clinical trials are the next frontier in the fight against cancer in Kenya. International Cancer Institute is one of the few multi-center clinical trial sites for phase I, II, III, & IV clinical trials in Sub-Saharan Africa for both cancer and blood-related diseases.


Clinical trials advance new treatments and provide alternative therapies for patients who would not otherwise have access to these drugs and procedures.


Find out everything about clinical trials and see if you qualify for one of our ongoing studies.

What are clinical trials?

Clinical trials are research studies that test new drugs or medical procedures on volunteer patients. Healthcare providers check how effective these new drugs or treatments are and their side effects before becoming available to other patients.


Clinical trials are done with as many diverse populations as possible to ensure they apply to as many people as possible.


Clinical trials are necessary because many modern drugs and treatment procedures were once under clinical trials before being used to treat patients.

Who qualifies for clinical trials?

You qualify for clinical trials if you satisfy any of the following conditions:

  • You have been newly diagnosed with cancer
  • You have tried other cancer treatment options
  • Your cancer has come back after treatment
  • Your cancer has spread to other parts of the body


In addition, some clinical trials also provide supportive care and symptom management that can help with your current treatment. 


Although you qualify for clinical trials at any stage of your cancer or treatment, each study has its unique requirements for inclusion in the study. Your doctor will talk to you about these requirements when evaluating your case.

How do clinical trials work?

Clinical trials followed an approved study protocol. A study protocol is a document that highlights a study’s design, purpose, and implementation. When you volunteer and qualify for a study at International Cancer Institute (ICI), we will explain the details of the study to you and have you sign an informed consent confirming you understand the study protocol.


The study protocol includes:

  • Objectives of the study
  • Length or duration of the study
  • Study drugs, procedures, tests, and schedule of activities
  • Requirements for taking part in the study
  • Side effects and how they will be tracked and managed.


All institutions doing clinical studies need Institutional Review Ethic Boards’ (IREBs) approval. The IREB checks the protocol and ensures that the institution carrying out the study follows the protocol strictly. An IREB encompasses healthcare providers, chaplains, social workers, lawyers, and patients. 


In Kenya, NACOSTI approves research or studies in addition to Institutional Review Boards in order to protect patients and other subjects.

What treatment options do patients have?

Clinical trials are voluntary and are not considered standard treatments. Your doctor can only advise which clinical trials you can join but leaves the decision of joining to you.


Most cancer patients get standard treatment for their disease. Standard treatments and procedures are widely accepted and established by medical professionals for certain cancers and diseases. Standard treatments include specific chemotherapies, radiotherapy, or surgery. Traditional treatments change with time as new research takes place.


You can also opt for clinical trials for your cancer to try something new besides the standard treatments. Clinical trials evaluate new study treatments and may give better outcomes than regular treatments.

Phases of a Clinical Trial


Before becoming standard treatment, drugs and treatment procedures go through different phases of clinical trials. These phases include the pre-trial phase, phases I, II, III, and IV. Here’s everything you need to know about the different trial phases.

Who can join a clinical trial?


Every clinical trial has unique requirements for participating or volunteering. The requirements are known as eligibility criteria. Some of the considerations for you to join a clinical trial include your age, type of cancer disease, progress of the cancer, treatment history, and general health.

Should I take part in a cancer clinical trial?


Clinical trials come with many benefits for cancer patients. If you have tried other treatments that don’t seem to give better outcomes, you can opt for clinical trials. Some clinical trials are also good for newly diagnosed patients who are willing to try new medication that may otherwise not be available in your care facility.

Clinical Trials at International Cancer Institute

International Cancer Institute Care and Research Unit is one of the few clinical trial centers in Kenya and Sub-Saharan Africa that actively participates and recruits for Multicenter Single-blind and double-blind Phase I, II, III, and IV clinical trials.


Some of the Clinical Trials that are actively recruiting include Esophageal cancer, Lung cancer, Breast Cancer, and Blood disorders like sickle cell, among others. Get in touch with us or consult your doctor for a clinical trial referral.

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 8.00 – 17.00
Weekends Closed
Holidays Closed

Quick Contacts

  • Address P.O. Box 8088-30100, Nandi Rd., Eldoret
  • Phone +254 718 473 446